In The Midst Of A Recall

(13 customer reviews)


Author: Robert W. Manning

What Really Happens In A Multi-Million Dollar Recall

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In the Midst of a Recall – The truth behind what really happens when you receive that dreaded call informing you to initiate a recall. This book can be used as a field manual to help you navigate through the pitfalls of a recall investigation and a proactive guide to keep you from having a recall.

A product recall can be one of the most stressful situations in today’s business environment. Depending on the complexity and products involved, there could be lives at risk, tens to hundreds of millions of dollars at stake, and the company’s fate at hand, requiring accurate and decisive decision-making skills.

The author, who led teams of operations, quality, and external consulting teams, will take you through the process of what happened, decisions made, and outcomes throughout the recall.

These experiences and lessons learned will provide the reader with concepts, strategies, and tools that will allow them to build a solid, customizable recall prevention plan.

13 reviews for In The Midst Of A Recall

  1. Books and Pens on Green Gables

    Good advice for everyone!

    I learned a lot reading “In the Midst of a Recall.”
    Being prepared is key! Do not wait until a crisis to make a plan.
    Really impressed by this book. So much great advice and practical ways to implement!

  2. L. Carnachan

    Engaging and Practical Advice

    The author, Robert Manning, had me at the start with his vision of improving the world by preventing recalls. He is certainly doing is part. The opening story of what happened when a major recall in his manufacturing company threw them into an investigation that took many months kept me turning the pages. The complexity of what is involved in a recall was eye opening. I could relate to the beginning section on the Reactive Phase from my own experience on a hospital disaster planning committee. As Manning points out, so much can go off the rails as a result of speculation, lack of leadership, unclear roles, and poor communication.

    Manning provides a plethora of manufacturing examples with pertinent details and sample worksheets for tracking and communication. He clearly has deep knowledge of both quality and operations. The message could be summed up with plan, practice, prevent, and keep improving. I was impressed by the author’s observations of organizational dynamics and politics. He provides insight into how to communicate effectively, use appropriate timing to challenge the status quo, and provides practical suggestions about documentation, whom to involve in the investigation (do not ignore the front line!), and how to manage inevitable conflicts. I was impressed that the author included helpful hints on stress management and maintaining one’s health during protracted investigations.

    In the Midst of a Recall is appropriate for a variety of audiences. Executives are advised to read it to understand the leadership role they play during a recall and how the overall process should be handled. Operations managers, whose teams and products are affected and have an essential role in a recall, will find this book immensely useful. Recall management, quality and risk management professionals, legal and communications departments will not only take note of their specific roles and how to plan but see where they fit in the big picture.

  3. Amazon Customer

    Absolutely fantastic

    A great Book covering a topic often negligated

    It’s well written and covers several topics to help prevent in case of a recall

  4. wordsrule

    One of the only books on this topic!

    Finally a well written, clear and practical book for leaders, board members and employees in the food manufacturing industry. The book offer a wealth of information and advice on keeping track of details and documentation, helpful actually for any business!

  5. kelly lydick

    Thorough Process for Tending Recall Processes

    Mr. Manning’s book is a thorough overview of all the necessary steps to properly tend to a manufacturing recall, whether a product or food item. Complete with real-world scenarios and helpful diagrams, if you’re in manufacturing, this is the go-to guide for your reference shelf!

  6. Rebecca Flansburg

    A deep dive into the recall process that is simply fascinating

    Not only was learning about the strict, tedious, and complicated recall process super interesting, it was very comforting to know that the consumers best interest and safety is always a top priority. But this book is so much more than that. Within the pages readers will find a plethora of solid business advice and practices included as well. Robert Manning has created a great educational read!

  7. Steve Madison

    Great advice

    Great advice to put into action. Be prepared before you need to be.

  8. Daniel E

    Everyone who works in the food industry should read this book

    Everyone who works in the food industry should read this book. It outlines in clear and detailed language not only what to do if you are ever involved in a recall, but also—far more importantly—it helps you make sure such an event never happens to your organization.

    Even if your business already has a “recall plan”, my guess is that it is not nearly as comprehensive as Robert Manning’s excellent book.

  9. PJ Rolfzen

    How to recall

    As a retired senior member of management and responsible for all recalls, Robert Manning’s book, “In the Midst of a Recall”, makes the process easier step by step. It covers all the big and little things that are so important to a recall. Everyone and anyone who is involved in any kind of recall should read and have a copy of Manning’s book to get them through this very expensive and potentially dangerous situation.
    Retired Senior Vice President and General Manager
    Pete Rolfzen

  10. R. Pierson

    Prevent A Recall!

    If you want to prevent a recall, read this comprehensive book on how to lower risk and prevent issues before your company is in trouble! Includes concise, practical tools to address all aspects of preventing or surviving a recall with your business intact. Short chapters, easy read and key takeaways. Highly recommend!

  11. Axel

    Very informative and invaluable knowledge

    In-depth, and also a handy reference guide. Get it, read it, and then keep it at arm’s reach.

  12. J. Berries

    Proven, comprehensive advice

    Should be required reading for MBA programs! No matter the industry or size of company, the author offers a comprehensive plan for preventing a recall and action plans for handling one if it should occur. Manning’s extensive experience in the food service industry provides relevant case scenarios to illustrate the importance of steps he proposes in all phases of a recall situation. The end of every chapter includes “Lessons Learned” and “Proactive Guidance” to summarize topics covered and lists actionable steps for management and employees.

    As a professional in the construction industry, our firm installs thousands of products in our homes. Any one of them could be recalled at any time. Even from a consumer standpoint, this book is helpful in knowing what to expect from a company if there’s an issue with a product and how it should best be handled.

    Cover-to-cover, this book is packed with a wealth of field-tested knowledge.

  13. ACC

    Be proactive with your communication plan

    What a valuable tool for companies to be ready to deal with a recall. The format of this book is simple, clear, and actionable. I appreciated how Bob makes us think about how we act under stress and to remember the “New York Times Front Page Test”. Chapter 33 gives us ways to make sure we take care of ourselves under stressful situations like meditating, sleeping, hydrating, and being positive.
    Every manufacturing company should have a plan in place, and this book will get you started.

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