Contingency plans and countermeasures are an invaluable part of your process in Recall Prevention. This is not a difficult process to incorporate into your system and can provide a lot of valuable information.
So, what are contingencies and countermeasures?
Contingencies. These focus on preparing the department, plant, or company to respond if a condition arises.
Countermeasures, on the other hand, are what you will do to stop or minimize the risk or impact to the organization.
In brief, simplistic summary, contingencies = planning; countermeasures = action.
Learn more on this beneficial aspect of Recall Management and Prevention and the complete chapter on Recall Contingency plans and Countermeasures purchase the “In the Midst of a Recall“. Recall Management and Prevention Strategies for Real World Scenarios” by Robert W. Manning. Available in eBook and paperback is coming this May, 2023
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